Most leadership development programs are a waste of money – in this short paper (2-min read) we discuss how to get it right. Leadership Development – Making it Stick! Last week I read the article, Leadership Development is Broken. Here’s How to Fix it, a piece published in Fast Company and authored by David Rock and […]

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Meaning and Purpose are our greatest currencies. Most professional services firms lack these – it is why many firms are ethically bankrupt and unable to create real value.  In the wake of the Australian PwC tax leak scandal, we have reviewed much of the commentary surrounding the value, ethics and behaviour of professional services firms […]

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I’m really proud to be involved with artists and to play a real role in producing and releasing art works that might never, otherwise, see the light of day. Our society is richer for these talented people and our economy stronger for having live venues, studios, sound engineers, printers, sound techs, video specialists and all […]

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Today, many organisations are talking about high-performance but we are not seeing a lot of it around, in fact, we are observing lots of undeperformance. Few teams are getting this right. We have tried to codify what we are observing in those teams that are flourishing – while there is nothing new, we do feel […]

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Innovate or die Here is our ‘Big Picture Thinking’ program represented on 1-page. It is a wholistic view of innovation, which is both creative and rigorous. Most people think that innovation involves creative people sitting round thinking in an amorphous way. The truth is that the most innovative organisations are very structured and deliberate in […]

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Many years ago we moved away from running sales training and started conversations about how professional services firms can create value for their clients – below is the People At Their Best model we use to describe our client-centric, value-creation methodology. There are 4 monetary markers that prove we were on the right track: 1. […]

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Despite so many leaders, claiming that their people don’t want performance feedback, we have conducted interviews with 1000s of employees which show the opposite. Our anecdotal evidence, consistently finds that employees want more feedback and that a lack of feedback is unequivocally bad for performance; that people can’t improve in a vacuum – this, of […]

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